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Book cover
Hawaii - Tipps für individuelle Entdecker
Автор: Armin E. Möller&Ulrich Quack
Издателство: Iwanowski's
Година на издаване: 2017
Език: german
Категория: Travel
Достъпност: Книгата може да се вземе

Рейтинг: 0 / 0 гласа


The Hawaiian Islands are a real vacation paradise: the infrastructure is perfect, the landscape is incredible: rugged cliffs, lava flows, coral gardens, snow-capped volcanoes, high waterfalls, desert-like steppes, dense rain forest and idyllic bays with fantastic sandy beaches experience. The ninth edition of the Hawaii Travel Guide is geared towards the needs of individual travelers who want to explore the archipelago by car or on hikes.

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